Bovey Tracey Primary School


Welcome to Hawkmoor Class!

Hawkmoor - Miss Gallacher teaches in Hawkmoor

Spring Term 2022

Water World

Spring Term 2022

Greatest Achievements

This half term, we have a fantastic topic ahead of us! In Hawkmoor, we will be learning about the 10 top achievements of the ancient Egyptians.

They will be added below as we learn about them.

RE (Religious Education)

In RE this half term, we are thinking about Christianity. We are trying to answer the question, 'What is it like to follow God?'

To begin this unit of work, we have been exploring the Bible which is the book which Christians read from and follow. We have been reading some of the stories within the bible, including, 'Noah's Ark' and recapping the story, 'Jonah and the big fish' from our previous learning.

Autumn Term 2021

Let's Celebrate!

Children in Need


Theatre Alibi Visit

The children in Hawkmoor thought they were attending a 'normal' assembly but...

Little did they know!

On Wednesday 17th November, Hawkmoor entered the hall for a 'normal' phase assembly. Mr Oaff welcomed the children and introduced the short film that we would be watching. Whilst he was introducing the film, a visitor introduced themselves as an inspector and explained how they would be watching the pupils and teachers! As the film continued, a caretaker cleaned the hall quietly around them.

As the film came to an end, much to everyone's surprise, the inspector began singing and playing a musical instrument. The caretaker then came to life and began engaging with the inspector. The children in Hawkmoor didn't know what to think!

The inspector and caretaker then spent the rest of the assembly sharing their passions with the phase. The inspector loved to sing and play music and the caretaker thoroughly enjoyed dancing. The children enjoyed watching the inspector and caretaker sing, dance and share their passions.


The next day, the children in Hawkmoor thought about their own passions and hobbies and how people can't always tell what these are by looking at them. We considered the passions and hobbies of well-known people and how some of these really surprised us.

Did you know that Beyonce has bee hives and enjoys making honey?

Did you know that Tom Daley enjoys crochet?

We decided that it actually doesn't matter if we all have different passions and that it is really important that we still follow and enjoy these even if others don't.

Next, in groups, we created our own characters with real jobs and real passions. We thought about how their daily working lives would be and why they might enjoy their hobbies and passions.

Here we are creating our characters.

Autumn Term 2021

It's Electric!

This half term in Hawkmoor, we have been learning all about electricity. To begin, we learnt about where electricity comes from and how we use it in our homes and at school. Then, in Design and Technology we were set a challenge, 'To design and make a new electronic toy for a child in Phase 1'. We sent Phase 1 a design brief to try and find out what toys they already played with and what they like in a toy. We then used these design briefs to design our own electronic toys.

Look at the toys we designed and made below. Phase 1 really liked them, we hope you do too!

September 2021

Welcome to Hawkmoor


Still image for this video

Spring Term 2021

Rhythmic River of Life

We will begin this topic by linking our learning to our last topic- The Romans. Through History we we will think about how rivers were essential to the Romans for agriculture, for conquering, trade and marking boundaries.

By Siena

Next, in Geography we will be learning about the top 5 world rivers and which continent they are in. Throughout history, right up until the present day, rivers are vital for societies. Trade as well as being able to defend and leave a country easily has meant that capital cities around the world are located at the mouths of rivers. 

By Chloe

Spring Term 2021

Romans on the Rampage

This half term we have been learning about the Romans at home whilst school has been closed to the majority of children. This hasn't stopped us from learning lots of amazing facts about the Romans, making Roman forts and shields, board games and drawing some fantastic sketches of Romans in the army.

Please have a look below at the work we have been doing at home.

Autumn Term 2020


We had a fantastic start to our new topic! We were given three different tasks to take part in throughout our topic launch and each of them involved the number 3 in some way. We didn't yet know the title of our topic so the number 3 was a clue!

Activity one: we had to draw collections of 3 different things on a large three. This was good fun as we were able to use our creativity. 

Activity two: we had to combine 3 animals to make a new animal. This was great, we were able to cut pictures of animals up and then combine 3 different animals to make a new and interesting animal.

Activity three: We had to select three of one type of craft resource and make something. We could then use other resources to decorate it. We had some fantastic ideas which included a pair of glasses. 

This half term our topic has been, Trinity. We have all really enjoyed this topic as it has been linked to art, ICT and RE.

In art, we learnt about different pencils that can be used for drawing. We experimented with 3 different pencils to create different tones. We also thought about how we can draw with our eyes and not our hands. This was really good fun as we tried different activities which included drawing with our eyes closed and drawing upside down! 

In RE, we have learnt about the Holy Trinity. We listened to a story from the Gospel Matthew about the baptism of Jesus. We then looked at the Holy Trinity and learnt about how the God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are used in blessings at baptisms today. Additionally throughout the unit, we used our art skills to write a tittle for Trinity, drew pictures of Jesus' baptism, represented the Holy Trinity through images and created a final piece of art to go in a church. 

We are now moving onto ICT where all of our work so far will be brought together into one outcome. 

In ICT, we have been combining everything that we have learnt during this topic. We have been making PowerPoints. Firstly, we had to learn how to make a PowerPoint, then we learnt how to add images. On the example below you will see how we have added pictures from google and took photos ourselves using an ipad. This was really tricky as we had to connect the ipad to the computer and download the photo onto PowerPoint.

We then really enjoyed adding our text, animations and transitions.


We made our PowerPoints to teach the children in Phase 3 all about the Holy Trinity. We hope they enjoy them and learn something new. 

We hope you enjoy watching the example below. 

Here is a PowerPoint made by a pupil in Hawkmoor

Autumn Term 2020


This term, to begin our new topic, we took part in a logo quiz. We all had to look at the different logos and try and identify what they stood for. Some of them were really easy and some of them were trickier! The final logo caught us out and introduced our new topic. 

Have a look below, how many logos do you know? 

The topic continued throughout the half term and we learnt about Fairtrade.

We thought about:

  • What is Fairtrade?
  • Why is Fairtrade so important? 
  • Where in the world are Fairtrade products produced?
  • Who in the world produces Fairtrade products? 
  • How these products get on our shelves?

We then all chose our own Fairtrade product and we had to find out where in the world the product is produced, who produces it and how it gets onto our shelves. In DT, we had to design and make the packaging that our product would need to safely travel to the UK.

We thoroughly enjoyed making our packaging, when it was made we had to make sure that it was clearly labelled so that the people handling and buying the product would know what was inside. 

Spring Term 2020

It's Electric! 

To open our new topic, Sciencedipity came into school to wow us with a workshop. 

To begin, we were given a battery holder, 2 batteries, a bulb, a bulb holder and two wires with crocodile clips on the ends. We were challenged to make a circuit and light the bulb. We all succeeded! We were extended to add a second bulb. Some of us went on to make a parallel circuit.

 Next, we went on to test which materials were conductors (would allow the flow of electricity to pass through and make the circuit) and which were insulators (would not allow the flow of electricity to flow and so broke the circuit). We found out that metals make good conductors and wood, materials and plastic are insulators.




We also created a circle of humans (the class) and held hands. Two people held an energy stick that lights up and makes a noise when a circuit is made (each end had metal and it had its own battery). We found out that humans’ conduct electricity, as when the energy stick was held within the circle it lit up and made a sound. We then experimented by two people breaking the circuit and then reconnecting and it then made ‘music’.
Finally, we were ready to create our own personal bristlebots. We were given the head of a tooth brush with a tiny motor and two wires attached. We went on to attach a battery with a start/stop sticker (switch). We were then able to embellish our robots with all sorts of decorations


In Science today we have been learning about the different components within an electrical circuit. Firstly, we made an electrical circuit using our bodies- this was really good fun and we were able to work out how a switch could be used as part of a circuit. 

We were then given the challenge of making a bulb light using different components, some of us remembered our work on bristle bots and we used our learning from our human circuit. To finish the lesson, we got to experiment with buzzers - this was very noisy but good fun! 

World Book Day 2020

Spring Term 2020

Water World

For our topic launch this half term, Phase 2 took a trip to Teignmouth. During this visit, we walked along the back beach whilst looking at the river and estuary. We stopped at the point to sketch the landscape including the Ness. Lunch and a play in the park was next, we enjoyed eating and playing with our friends. We then continued our walk along the beach, past the pier and as far as the tides would allow. We looked at the different stones, rocks and shells and then chose one to draw. We had a fantastic day at the beach but all of the walking was quite tiring! 

Religious Education

Today in RE we read the Bible story about Noah from the Old Testament. After reading the story, we acted out the important elements  and hot-seated the main characters. We thought about why God chose Noah and why Noah followed God's request. Additionally, we discussed how much trust Noah must have had in God to continue with his actions. 


In Science, we have been learning about different types of rocks. We have been identifying and classifying them whilst sorting them into different groups. Yesterday, we made sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks using starburts. We had a lot of fun adding pressure and layers to make sedimentary rocks. We also had to change the temperature to make metamorphic and igneous, this was really interesting and we were amazed how the sweets changed and formed like the rocks we had been learning about. 


We have been lucky enough to borrow a loan box from Parliament this half-term.

The loan box includes: 

  • Division bell – rings to let members know they have eight minutes to take part in a vote. There are about 500 bells around Westminster.
  • Cloth backdrop of the House of Lords and The House of Commons – large images will enable you to recreate the Houses for the children.
  • Despatch box – Ministers and Shadow Ministers stand at the despatch boxes to speak.
  • Mace – represents royal authority. Bought into debating chambers at the beginning of each day and without them debates cannot take place.
  • A bill
  • The Speaker’s Robes


In Hawkmoor, we took part in a class debate whilst pretending that we were in London, in the Houses of Parliament. The children took this very seriously and made sure they addressed the speaker and other members of the houses appropriately. The bill that was debated was as follows: The pen license should be scrapped! This opened up a good range of opinions and some people even changed their minds. We concluded with a vote led by the speaker. Hawkmoor decided that the pen license should be scrapped! 

This was a fantastic resource lent to us which inspired debate, deepened understanding and created memorable learning experiences.

Autumn Term 2019 

Let's Celebrate! 

Topic Launch 

To begin our new topic, we started by thinking about all of the things our families celebrate. We then thought about how other families, communities and cultures celebrate different things. Through discussions, a party was definitely voted as the most popular way to celebrate in Hawkmoor. The children have lots of memories of different parties they have been to to celebrate birthdays, weddings, Christmas, Easter and christenings.

So, to launch our topic, we had a party!

Anti-bullying Week 

Week beginning 11th November was anti-bullying week. In Hawkmoor, we learnt about how it takes all of us to stop bullying from happening in our school and we all made pledges of what we would do from now on to make this happen. This included things like:

  • If someone is sitting on their own, I will go and sit with them.
  • If someone looks sad, I will ask them if they are ok.
  • I will give people compliments.
  • If someone is finding their learning tricky, I will ask them if they want any help.
  • If I see someone being mean, I will tell an adult and ask for help. 
  • If I hear someone say something mean, I will go straight to an adult. 

Odd Socks Day 

On Wednesday 13th, we wore odd socks to school to support the nationwide event to support anti-bullying week. This is a fun event and lots of us remembered to wear our odd socks to raise awareness. 


DT - Designing and making fish

In DT this half-term we have been designing and making large fish from the story 'Jonah'. First, we refined our cutting and sticking skills whilst learning about the story from the bible. Then we used these skills to cut, stick and make our fish. 

Can you spot the teeth, gills and fins that we cut in the photos below? 

Autumn Term 2019


Phase 2 Topic Launch

Today we launched our new topic, this involved all three classes in phase 2 rotating around three different activities organised by the class teachers. In Hawkmoor, the children explored Tutankhamun's tomb. They were archaeologists taken back in time to November 3rd 1922. They learnt about Howard Carter's discovery and helped him to explore the pharaoh's tomb. They had to work as a team to enter the tomb one by one and report what they found within the tomb. The children had a fantastic time and expressed how much they had learnt during their experience. 


Tutankhamun's tomb


Today in Hawkmoor we all got a little bit messy with paper mache! In Art we have been learning about the colour wheel and how the primary colours can be mixed to make secondary colours. We have used what we have learnt to design an Egyptian death mask using different colours. Then today we used cardboard, balloons and paper mache to begin making our creations. We had a fantastic day learning about how to apply the newspaper using the PVA to create the shape of our masks. Some of us even added some facial features to bring our masks to life!

This afternoon, after the paper mache had finally dried, we got to begin painting our Egyptian death masks! We had to choose our base colour to paint on first, once this is dry we will add our second colour and some detail. 

Phase share

At the end of our Explorers topic, we opened up our phase museum. Parents were invited into school to come and view our exhibits and activities. The parents were free to examine the artefacts that we had made, take part in activities that we had planned and we even taught them some of the things we had learnt about the Egyptians. One group even set up a tomb for the parents to crawl in like we did during our topic launch! 

                                                                                  Art week - July 2019
This week all of the children at Bovey Primary have been taking part in Arts week. Hawkmoor have been working with willow, pastels, paints, clay, nature print paper and collage. We have had a great week experiencing different mediums around the school and local area. The work that has been produced has been fantastic! Please take a look at the photos below to see what we have been up to. 

Some of our favourite bits from Nature School:

  • 'I loved the clay because it was squishy and fun to make things out of.' Molly
  • 'I liked making the picture from the shells.' Elena
  • 'I liked making my canvas picture.' Freya
  • 'The best bits were making den building and making a caterpillar out of clay.' Jude
  • 'I enjoyed improving the dens and playing in them.' Ethan
  • 'I played in the mud kitchen and made a mud cake.' Kameri
  • 'I enjoyed making the tree house. ' Joe

Summer Term 2019

What's inside?


We have now started our new topic for the Summer term, 'What's inside?' To begin this topic, we had a topic day where the children began to think about what our topic would be all about. This was introduced to the children with 5 boxes, these each had a riddle on to help them guess what was inside.

In addition to the riddles, the children spent the day taking part in tasks which linked to what was inside each of the five boxes. This included, a feely box which contained items of furniture, a packed lunch tasting activity, smelling plants, looking inside different fruits and listening to different sounds. 
In the afternoon, the children shared their predictions and were allowed to open the boxes to see what was inside. Each box showed them something that we would be examining during our topic this term. 

The Dream Giver

In English we have started looking at the short film, 'The Dream Giver'. This film is about a protagonist who gives children dreams by tipping gold liquid from a magic egg onto the things that the children enjoy. The children have begun this unit by watching the first 10 seconds of the film and describing the setting. 

Below are some examples of the children's paired work which have also gone onto our 'Celebrate and Inspire' display in the classroom: 


Thursday 25th April 2019

LO: Can I describe the setting of a short film?


At midnight, glimmer, gold, glittering stars are shining in the dark blue night sky, clouds below making shadows on the silent, gloomy street with clothes hanging on the washing line and houses with their shutters closed and lamps on.

By Toby, Ethan and Cian


As the stars shimmered in the inky blue sky, the clouds shadowed over the daunting, dark, dangerous village. The village was a silent, secret scene.

By Caitlin and Harry


On a strangely, quiet night, gleaming, glowing stars are shining in the blazing, blue night sky. The marshmallow clouds are making patches of shadows amongst the silent, sleepy streets.

By Beth and Jude


Shining, the stars glimmer in the dead of night. The white, fluffy clouds hover under the winking stars. In the distance, a church stands stronger than a warrior and as brave as a super-hero.

By Lewis


Shining, the stars glimmer in the impossibly inky sky. Floating, the clouds are puffy and white. In the distance, a school stands, as time flies by the school clocks tick. The moon watches the people lazily lying in bed.

By Mimi


Blue, sparkling stars are shining in the beautiful, horizontal night sky. Clouds drop shadows on the calm street whilst towers stand around like soldiers going into battle.

By Kameri and Julia


The stars were glimmering in the dark, gloomy night sky whilst the white as snow clouds were forming shadows below on the melancholy street.

By Rose and Freya

The Dream Giver continued

This week in Hawkmoor, we have been describing the protagonist of the short film. We have been trying to include fronted adverbials, prepositions, adverbs, noun phrases and 'show not tell' in our writing.

Here are some examples of our work, can you spot any examples of 'show not tell', where the writer tries to paint a picture for the reader without telling them all of the details?  


The Unknown Dream Giver tiptoed across the dusty floor to the sleeping children to crack the mystical dream egg. His skeleton like body moved swiftly until he landed on the dusty, wooden floor. He was wearing turtle shell sized safety glasses.

By Oliver


The stars were shining, and the Dream Giver was whizzing through the night sky. He got to the window and creaked it open and saw the boy in slumber.

Standing as still as a statue, he pulled out his bag of eggs as quiet as he could. The eggs were like a bag of heaven. These eggs were full of dreams and wishes.

By Holly


On the window frame, stood a pale figure with dragonfly wings. Observing the children silently in their comfy beds, he casted a dark shadow behind himself.

By Harry


On the windowsill, a pale, skinny figure stood silently, watching the children lay in their squishy beds. In his bony fingers, a glowing, fiery object dangled.

By Beth


Below the clouds, stood a dark figure, curiously watching the children who rolled uncertainly in their colossal, four poster beds. Skinny and unpleasant, the pixie looking creature, hung a golden, glowing handkerchief around its shoulder.

By Mimi


Under the starry night sky, a scrawny, pale figure stood observantly watching the children lay in their padded, cushioned beds, covered in piles of blankets. Gripped inside his bony fingers, a glowing, golden sack hung eagerly waiting to be revealed.

By Caitlin


Cautiously, a skinny, creepy winged man stood observantly, wings flapping quickly. The winged man was carefully grasping a glowing, gold cloth wrapped up. He swiftly, swooped silently down to the loud snoring fellows. The goggled, mysterious, mythical man dragged a gloomy shadow everywhere he went. As silent as heaven, he stuck his bony, pale fingers into the brown cloth, reaching to a gold sphere.

By Lewis


Suddenly, a bald man with bright blue wings landed on the windowsill and peered in. Silently, he stepped into the room that the children slept in. He carefully opened an egg, gleaming like the sun in the sky.

By Josie


This unusual creature flew into the ink black bedroom. He was carrying some glowing eggs and he put them on the bed. The moonlight sky was shining onto the bed and the glowing eggs.

By Daisy

Design and Technology
Continuing with our 'What's inside?' topic, over the last few weeks we have been learning about the different food groups. We have been looking inside children's lunchboxes and thinking about how we can have a healthy and varied diet as part of a packed lunch. Last week, we designed our own exploded sandwiches which had to include something from each of the food groups. This week, we made our sandwiches and evaluated them. We had some exciting and interesting combinations! 
Today saw the beginning of our Artwork in Hawkmoor. We have been looking inside different fruits and using a variety of mediums to create different textures. In the photos below, can you identify the fruits and mediums? Which medium would you pick to draw each fruit? 

Spring Term 2019

Romans on the Rampage

We have just had a fantastic start to this term with the introduction of our new topic. We normally share the topic with the children during the term before to get their ideas for our planning. However this term we decided to keep it as a surprise so that they could try and guess what our new topic was going to be. On the second day of term the children were involved in an all day topic day in which they were preparing for a phase banquet. They made bread, prepared and cut vegetables and different foods and made mosaics. During the afternoon the children had a Roman Banquet and were introduced to our topic, 'Romans on the Rampage'.
Over the last two weeks the children have been making leaflets, posters and PowerPoint Presentations about Roman lives. In pairs they were given an area to research, present and teach the class. We had some super presentations to the class where the 'audience' had to write down two facts that they had learnt about each area of Roman lives. They were all really informative and it was easy to find two facts!
We have been making Roman shields in Hawkmoor. First we looked at Roman shields and their designs, then we came up with some of our own ideas that could be used and finally we chose our final design and made this using large pieces of cardboard. Have a look at the photos below, can you spot any similarities to the Roman shields?

A Roman Day with Claudius Maximus

Phase 2 experienced an amazing day under the rule of Claudius Maximus a Roman Soldier, a Centurion. It began with the ‘soldiers’ being organised into Contubernium (8 men), under strict guidance they needed to stand straight and equally spaced at an arms width apart. Phase 2 made up 10 contuberniums with a total of 80 men and this made a grand Roman Army called a Centuria.

The morning consisted of strict orders and discipline. The ‘soldiers’ revisited the important dates leading from 55BC when Julius Caesar first invaded Britain to the present day creating a human time line. Claudius Maximus invited children to join in a game naming parts of the armour, costume and weapons.

Later that day, all the ‘soldiers’ in the Centuria used their own personally designed shield to interlock creating the formation called ‘The Tortoise (Testudo)’ which acts as a shell to protect the soldiers.

The day culminated in the ‘battle’. The Roman Army consisted of three Contubernium who took up the formation Testudo on the field. They were well organised, highly disciplined and trained.  The rest of Phase 2 became the Celts, who were large in numbers, savage, unruly, loud and barbarians!

In a disorganised clump the Celts charged down the field screaming and yelling, whilst the Romans stood firm. Once the Celts came into range the Romans released their javelins and many Celt fell. Those Celts who continued were brutally injured and killed by the hidden barbed spears sunk into the ground in front of the Roman Army. The Roman Army left no one alive!

World Book Day 2019

In Hawkmoor, we had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day 2019. We dressed our door as 'Where's Wally?' as part of our in school competition and we won! Can you spot Wally and his friends below:
We also either dressed up as a character from a book or brought in a prop so that our friends could guess who we were. Can you guess who each of these characters are?

Autumn Term 2018

Chocolate and Fair Trade

This term in Phase 2 our topic has been 'Chocolate and Fair Trade'. We begun the term in September learning about Fair Trade around the world. We looked at the different products that are produced and where in the world. We then used Google and The National Geographic Map Marker to pinpoint the countries and their products.

We then had a fantastic phase trip to the Eden Project in Cornwall. It was a long drive by coach but definitely worth it. We not only had time to look around and visit the different biomes, we had different tasks and challenges that we took part in in teams. Hawkmoor completed the 'Chef's Challenge' where we had to locate different items to make a fabulous cake for the crazy chef. We found them all and the crazy chef made an amazing cake that we all got to taste!
During English we have continued with our focus on Chocolate whilst reading 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. We have looked at how Roald Dahl has used speech, description and writing to bring his story alive. We even got to invent our own sweets to include in a new chapter for the book, these ranged from 'The Sizzler' designed by Caitlin and 'The amazing Surprise' designed by Toby. As a class, we have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and love the humour that Dahl included to make us laugh!        
Our topic work has been fantastic this term. We were set the challenge to design and make a new chocolate for Willy Wonka. These were then presented to the Dragons in the Dragons' Den to decide on a winning chocolate. Firstly, we had to research different chocolates, their packaging and pricing. Next we used this consumer research to design our own chocolate bars, name, package and cost them. We worked in teams across the phase to complete our tasks and be ready for the Dragons' Den. During the Dragons' Den we had to present our work and allow them to taste our chocolates, we were then judged on their taste, appearance, packaging and costing. In the end three teams won as the Dragons could not decide on one product to win as they were all great!